I just don't know why some celebrities love to claim what they are not.
Tonto Dikeh came out to claim that she got about 1.2million fans on
Facebook in just four days, something that took Pastor Adeboye, Omotola
and some big companies in Nigeria several months and years. She was
later busted.
Waconzy posed with those dollars in his hands some days back, claiming
he made $150,000 in his tour in the US, for shows we didn't hear of. He
was later busted that he used $100 on top many $1 to fool people.
Now to my sister, beautiful actress Toyin Aimakhu...
She posted on social media that she is now an Airtel ambassador and
making her fans proud. I celebrated her too. But a lady at the Airtel
event has busted her, saying Airtel didn't gave her any deal.
Dear celebs, everyone can't make it at the same time. Just chill and keep working hard, your time will come
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Jonathan Does not Deserve a Second Term ––Cardinal Okogie
This is the right way to pray. I want to be able to concentrate on what
you are asking for; to let God open his hand and give this man this
particular thing that he is asking for. I can say any kind of prayer for
you, but to me, that is not enough.” So he said, “That is okay. Don’t you know I will be going in for the election?” And I said to him, “You have won, that is no problem, but you will not rule.”
He said, “What? What do you mean that I will not rule?” And I said,
“Yes sir, others will rule. Those around you will rule. They are the
ones that will rule in your place.” What is happening now? This is the
kind of thing that pains me.
If you consider the example I have given you now, that is how my life is. I don’t want to tell anybody lies. I don’t want to fool anybody. Shakespeare said “flattery is the food of fools”. That is what is going on now with many of our religious leaders. They flatter people because they want money. They want to be in the Head of State’s good book. That is what is happening today. One with God is always a majority even if they are going to kill me tomorrow.
When I was in the war front, I didn’t die, not a scratch on my body. It’s a pity Benjamin Adekunle is dead now. God bless his soul. He was my boss. The other one was Godwin Ali. We were all under him. They were real soldiers. I wasn’t a combatant officer, I was only a chaplain, and I did the little that God wanted me to do and came out without problem.
As a former and founding president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), you fought against several perceived attempts to Islamise Nigeria, especially through membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC); how do you view Boko Haram and the threat it poses to the country?
We sensed these things coming, especially during the OIC period. Those of us on the Christian side, that was one of the reasons we opposed it. Even though Babangida and all the others, and even some Catholics on the panel saw nothing wrong with it. I still remember telling (Jubril) Aminu and others to be careful, that this will not augur well for the nation.
They said to me, “What do you mean?” Now, look at what we are having. It is not just a question of the Islamisation of Nigeria we are talking of? We are talking of the future of Nigeria. With these things we are bringing up, what will it lead us to in future? Politicians and so-called intellectuals get up and make statements that can destroy the nation. And what does the government do? Nothing.
The government do nothing to them. They allow them to go scot-free. In a civilised nation, they will be called to answer for it. Once you make any careless statement, you must pay for it. You will be called to question. What must a Head of State, the father of the nation be afraid of? If he cannot die for the nation, why is he a Head of State? For example, if I cannot die for my faith, why am I an Archbishop? Why am I a Cardinal? These soldiers calling themselves Boko Haram are doing what they are doing because they believe in it. But it is there in the Quran and in the Bible that you shouldn’t shed blood.
I read it in the paper that somebody said if I don’t win this election, it will be too hot for somebody. And those who are of that opinion are still around, and they are there laughing. So who is at fault? Who is the fool? And we are calling on God, when God gave us a peaceful nation. We want to destroy it. I just pray that sooner or later things will be settled. 2015 is coming. That is another one. So when you are talking of Boko Haram, and the threat it poses to this nation, we caused We caused it. Some years back, during the time of Maitatsine, it took us time before we stopped it.
This is how it is. You don’t play with your armed forces anyhow. You don’t swing your sword anyhow, because it can cut you and cut your enemies. This is what is happening. Look at the number of people that are being killed. Now, if these Boko Haram people even succeeded, what would be the condition of the people in those areas in the north? Will Boko Haram be able to feed them or educate them? Now, look at the education.
Everything is going down daily in the north. Tomorrow now, they would say the south is cheating the north. Can’t they open their eyes to see the future? Can’t they see? So this is the problem. This is what we were fighting for then, when I was president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN). While I was president of CAN, I was the leader of the Christian team to the so-called conference.
(Babagana) Kingibe was the intermediary then, begging the Christians and telling us that the Head of State (IBB) is worried. Then when he was knocking on our doors begging and saying the Head of State (IBB) is worried, I asked him, “Who caused it?” Remember that all of us have consciences. We all have a conscience and we are going to answer for it before God.
Do you think the government should consider negotiating with Boko Haram?
My own opinion is this: When you talk of Boko Haram, who are they? How can you say you are going to negotiate with a nebulous group? They have not declared their identity. Are you going to be talking to the air? The people you want to negotiate with, who are they? Have they even given you their own terms? You can’t know or see them because they are nebulous people.
And if you’re bold enough they will come and kill you. And you yourself, you need to know what you are negotiating for? Did you offend them? You are just sitting down and somebody tells you to quit. Look at all the innocent people they have killed, and taken innocent people (Chibok girls) hostage, and there is supposed to be a governor in that place. What was the governor doing, if he has no hand in it? If I were the Head of State, he would be the first person I would arrest.
Where do they (Boko Haram) get their arms from? How did they enter? There are many questions to be answered. And then you are now talking of negotiation. For what? What if they say for negotiation the Head of State should quit? Will he be ready to quit? Or what if they say government should give them so and so people in exchange for the Chibok girls, what kind of negotiation is that? To me, I don’t buy it at all.
Do you think the current leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is actually acting like an arm of the federal government or an appendage of the PDP as some critics say? My brother, I must tell you this; CAN leadership today is zero. CAN has no leader. Thank God you are talking to one of the founders of CAN, and I was there as their leader for eight years. Then, the whole country knew that CAN had a leader, not by my own might, but by God. Because what we were doing then, we had only one voice. But the problem we have now is that people are struggling for power in unrighteous way.
And because he is struggling for power, he can do little or nothing. Power doesn’t come like that. Look at David in the Scriptures. Look at Solomon. Even look at Herbert Macaulay and other early nationalists. You don’t force yourself to power. This is what is happening. Somebody is telling you that if you don’t allow him to rule, you will not rule well. So the person struggling for power is not going to do better. Now, election is coming in 2015 and some people are already saying they must be there. They will not allow the electorate to decide.
They are ready with their moneybags. Where did they get the money from? Where did they get the $9.3m that has been seized by South Africa from? They said it was to buy arms. We have to be very careful in this nation. What is the man (Oritsejafor) looking for? If you call yourself a man of God, then you should rely on God. Why should he be jumping up and down? But because he was not elected, not chosen by God, that is what is happening. Today, he wants to build a university, tomorrow he wants to be something else, next tomorrow he wants to be like other people.
Then why is he there as CAN president? In our day and time, election was done by the groups and we know how we go about it. I think I ruled for two terms, eight years. If there was any trouble anywhere in the country, they would come to the centre. And it wouldn’t take time. We would just come to the centre and solve it and I will speak out and the whole nation would listen. Sometimes, you would hear people say, “Has Okogie spoken?” “What did Okogie say?” There was unity, because that’s what we are looking for.
And we didn’t buy the position. But this time around, because they are rushing to be in power, nobody obeys them. And look at how they are making mockery of themselves and making mockery of “religion”. Is that religion? Today, they are with the federal government. We saw the writing on the wall when we left. The very first person that took over started romancing with Obasanjo. Then one or two CAN presidents tried their best before it got to this present CAN president, Oritsejafor. This is not right. Look at how Oritsejafor has fallen, from grace to grass.
And he is not going down alone, he is also staining the name of the Head of State. Of course, why not? If you eat with those with dirty hands, then you must be dirty. And this is the man that they are saying should come and rule the nation for a second term. They think people are stupid. They have not even answered about this $9.3m, and when the matter got to the House of Reps, they said they should throw it out. Can you imagine? Are they not the ones making laws on money laundering? And this is a case of real money laundering. These are lawmakers.
And they say throw it out, we will not entertain any discussion on this $9.3m matter. Can you imagine! You can imagine that these are the kind of people we have in the National Assembly. And then of course, the relationship between Nigeria and South Africa is strained. Look at the T.B. Joshua building collapse affair, and they think all South Africans are stupid. Just watch and see what comes out of these two affairs. These are bad signs. Tomorrow now, they will say Nigeria is the giant of Africa and the economy of Nigeria is booming, with mouth. The Head of State is a PDP man and he (Oritsejafor) is linked with this rubbish. So what other proof do you want that CAN has now become an appendage of the PDP?
The report that the aircraft which flew some Nigerians and an Israeli to South Africa allegedly to purchase arms belongs to Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor has once again revived the debate about the propriety of ministers of God owning private jets. What is your view about this episode?
As far as I am concerned, why are they men of God? I asked one so-called religious leader, and you know what he told me? He said, “My God is a rich God. So if yours is a poor God, that’s your business.” Imagine! So you can even see that this one can’t be called a man of God. And these are the people that tell you they can work miracles, that they have a direct telephone line to God.
They say they can do this, they can do that, and God is watching all of us. If it were to be in the Old Testament, they would all have been struck down by God. But God is a patient God. We have to be praying for this kind of people, for them to have a change of heart. What are they looking for with jet? Another one said, “Jesus said go into the whole world and evangelise, so how can I go into the whole world, with what? I need a plane to be able to go to the whole world.”
Even the devil can quote scripture. But did Jesus Christ say you should go and steal to go and buy plane? But now they are claiming that they were given the jets as gifts. But why can’t they spend that money on the poor? There are many Nigerians who are begging that they have nothing to eat, and yet you say you’re preaching. Preaching for what? Are there no pastors where they are going? May God not punish us according to our sins.
Do you see indications that there is now a sufficient will to tackle corruption, or that corruption is no longer as pervasive as it was?
Corruption is in every nation but Nigeria’s own is number one. I am telling you. And if we are not careful, this nation will go down the drain. Now, people can’t help you to bring something from that corner without asking for remuneration. Look at so many children and youths who have no school to go to, or no money to pay school fees, and there are rich men who parade themselves up and down the place as rich people. For what? They seem to have forgotten that this life is not the end. Nobody chose his parents, and nobody came into the world with a gold or silver spoon.
So even if you have a gold or silver spoon, you are going to go empty handed. A wise man lives life in a simple way. That is how I am. Even Fela told them the truth, even though they said he was mad and called him all sorts of names. Naked you came into this world, and naked you will go back. These are people that are supposed to rule and govern this nation. What is happening? Money is exchanging hands.
Now, they are asking the nation and the national assembly to approve so and so huge sum of money for them to borrow. They think people are stupid. Whatever you do as the Head of State without the permission of the people, you will pay for it. Those who were ministers and Heads of State before, some of them are in Abuja today begging for job, because if you get ill-gotten wealth, you will spend it anyhow. It is an ill wind that blows no one any good.
With the next election just a few months away, what would you say of the president’s ambition to seek re-election?
You can deduce that from what I have said before. You can even see from all that is going on, that some people have been saying that he even signed for one term. You see, if I were in his [Jonathan's] shoes, I would hide my head. I am not a prophet, just like I told him that day, but that is what my mind is telling me. And nobody knows what is going to happen. Even, nobody knows who is going to be alive to see 2015. So, one has to be very careful.
Talking about election, what kind of election are we even going to have in Nigeria? Is it going to be free and fair and just? Tell me what election we have had in Nigeria that is free and fair? Is it not mouth that they use in saying it is free and fair?
If you consider the example I have given you now, that is how my life is. I don’t want to tell anybody lies. I don’t want to fool anybody. Shakespeare said “flattery is the food of fools”. That is what is going on now with many of our religious leaders. They flatter people because they want money. They want to be in the Head of State’s good book. That is what is happening today. One with God is always a majority even if they are going to kill me tomorrow.
When I was in the war front, I didn’t die, not a scratch on my body. It’s a pity Benjamin Adekunle is dead now. God bless his soul. He was my boss. The other one was Godwin Ali. We were all under him. They were real soldiers. I wasn’t a combatant officer, I was only a chaplain, and I did the little that God wanted me to do and came out without problem.
As a former and founding president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), you fought against several perceived attempts to Islamise Nigeria, especially through membership of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC); how do you view Boko Haram and the threat it poses to the country?
We sensed these things coming, especially during the OIC period. Those of us on the Christian side, that was one of the reasons we opposed it. Even though Babangida and all the others, and even some Catholics on the panel saw nothing wrong with it. I still remember telling (Jubril) Aminu and others to be careful, that this will not augur well for the nation.
They said to me, “What do you mean?” Now, look at what we are having. It is not just a question of the Islamisation of Nigeria we are talking of? We are talking of the future of Nigeria. With these things we are bringing up, what will it lead us to in future? Politicians and so-called intellectuals get up and make statements that can destroy the nation. And what does the government do? Nothing.
The government do nothing to them. They allow them to go scot-free. In a civilised nation, they will be called to answer for it. Once you make any careless statement, you must pay for it. You will be called to question. What must a Head of State, the father of the nation be afraid of? If he cannot die for the nation, why is he a Head of State? For example, if I cannot die for my faith, why am I an Archbishop? Why am I a Cardinal? These soldiers calling themselves Boko Haram are doing what they are doing because they believe in it. But it is there in the Quran and in the Bible that you shouldn’t shed blood.
I read it in the paper that somebody said if I don’t win this election, it will be too hot for somebody. And those who are of that opinion are still around, and they are there laughing. So who is at fault? Who is the fool? And we are calling on God, when God gave us a peaceful nation. We want to destroy it. I just pray that sooner or later things will be settled. 2015 is coming. That is another one. So when you are talking of Boko Haram, and the threat it poses to this nation, we caused We caused it. Some years back, during the time of Maitatsine, it took us time before we stopped it.
This is how it is. You don’t play with your armed forces anyhow. You don’t swing your sword anyhow, because it can cut you and cut your enemies. This is what is happening. Look at the number of people that are being killed. Now, if these Boko Haram people even succeeded, what would be the condition of the people in those areas in the north? Will Boko Haram be able to feed them or educate them? Now, look at the education.
Everything is going down daily in the north. Tomorrow now, they would say the south is cheating the north. Can’t they open their eyes to see the future? Can’t they see? So this is the problem. This is what we were fighting for then, when I was president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN). While I was president of CAN, I was the leader of the Christian team to the so-called conference.
(Babagana) Kingibe was the intermediary then, begging the Christians and telling us that the Head of State (IBB) is worried. Then when he was knocking on our doors begging and saying the Head of State (IBB) is worried, I asked him, “Who caused it?” Remember that all of us have consciences. We all have a conscience and we are going to answer for it before God.
Do you think the government should consider negotiating with Boko Haram?
My own opinion is this: When you talk of Boko Haram, who are they? How can you say you are going to negotiate with a nebulous group? They have not declared their identity. Are you going to be talking to the air? The people you want to negotiate with, who are they? Have they even given you their own terms? You can’t know or see them because they are nebulous people.
And if you’re bold enough they will come and kill you. And you yourself, you need to know what you are negotiating for? Did you offend them? You are just sitting down and somebody tells you to quit. Look at all the innocent people they have killed, and taken innocent people (Chibok girls) hostage, and there is supposed to be a governor in that place. What was the governor doing, if he has no hand in it? If I were the Head of State, he would be the first person I would arrest.
Where do they (Boko Haram) get their arms from? How did they enter? There are many questions to be answered. And then you are now talking of negotiation. For what? What if they say for negotiation the Head of State should quit? Will he be ready to quit? Or what if they say government should give them so and so people in exchange for the Chibok girls, what kind of negotiation is that? To me, I don’t buy it at all.
Do you think the current leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) is actually acting like an arm of the federal government or an appendage of the PDP as some critics say? My brother, I must tell you this; CAN leadership today is zero. CAN has no leader. Thank God you are talking to one of the founders of CAN, and I was there as their leader for eight years. Then, the whole country knew that CAN had a leader, not by my own might, but by God. Because what we were doing then, we had only one voice. But the problem we have now is that people are struggling for power in unrighteous way.
And because he is struggling for power, he can do little or nothing. Power doesn’t come like that. Look at David in the Scriptures. Look at Solomon. Even look at Herbert Macaulay and other early nationalists. You don’t force yourself to power. This is what is happening. Somebody is telling you that if you don’t allow him to rule, you will not rule well. So the person struggling for power is not going to do better. Now, election is coming in 2015 and some people are already saying they must be there. They will not allow the electorate to decide.
They are ready with their moneybags. Where did they get the money from? Where did they get the $9.3m that has been seized by South Africa from? They said it was to buy arms. We have to be very careful in this nation. What is the man (Oritsejafor) looking for? If you call yourself a man of God, then you should rely on God. Why should he be jumping up and down? But because he was not elected, not chosen by God, that is what is happening. Today, he wants to build a university, tomorrow he wants to be something else, next tomorrow he wants to be like other people.
Then why is he there as CAN president? In our day and time, election was done by the groups and we know how we go about it. I think I ruled for two terms, eight years. If there was any trouble anywhere in the country, they would come to the centre. And it wouldn’t take time. We would just come to the centre and solve it and I will speak out and the whole nation would listen. Sometimes, you would hear people say, “Has Okogie spoken?” “What did Okogie say?” There was unity, because that’s what we are looking for.
And we didn’t buy the position. But this time around, because they are rushing to be in power, nobody obeys them. And look at how they are making mockery of themselves and making mockery of “religion”. Is that religion? Today, they are with the federal government. We saw the writing on the wall when we left. The very first person that took over started romancing with Obasanjo. Then one or two CAN presidents tried their best before it got to this present CAN president, Oritsejafor. This is not right. Look at how Oritsejafor has fallen, from grace to grass.
And he is not going down alone, he is also staining the name of the Head of State. Of course, why not? If you eat with those with dirty hands, then you must be dirty. And this is the man that they are saying should come and rule the nation for a second term. They think people are stupid. They have not even answered about this $9.3m, and when the matter got to the House of Reps, they said they should throw it out. Can you imagine? Are they not the ones making laws on money laundering? And this is a case of real money laundering. These are lawmakers.
And they say throw it out, we will not entertain any discussion on this $9.3m matter. Can you imagine! You can imagine that these are the kind of people we have in the National Assembly. And then of course, the relationship between Nigeria and South Africa is strained. Look at the T.B. Joshua building collapse affair, and they think all South Africans are stupid. Just watch and see what comes out of these two affairs. These are bad signs. Tomorrow now, they will say Nigeria is the giant of Africa and the economy of Nigeria is booming, with mouth. The Head of State is a PDP man and he (Oritsejafor) is linked with this rubbish. So what other proof do you want that CAN has now become an appendage of the PDP?
The report that the aircraft which flew some Nigerians and an Israeli to South Africa allegedly to purchase arms belongs to Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor has once again revived the debate about the propriety of ministers of God owning private jets. What is your view about this episode?
As far as I am concerned, why are they men of God? I asked one so-called religious leader, and you know what he told me? He said, “My God is a rich God. So if yours is a poor God, that’s your business.” Imagine! So you can even see that this one can’t be called a man of God. And these are the people that tell you they can work miracles, that they have a direct telephone line to God.
They say they can do this, they can do that, and God is watching all of us. If it were to be in the Old Testament, they would all have been struck down by God. But God is a patient God. We have to be praying for this kind of people, for them to have a change of heart. What are they looking for with jet? Another one said, “Jesus said go into the whole world and evangelise, so how can I go into the whole world, with what? I need a plane to be able to go to the whole world.”
Even the devil can quote scripture. But did Jesus Christ say you should go and steal to go and buy plane? But now they are claiming that they were given the jets as gifts. But why can’t they spend that money on the poor? There are many Nigerians who are begging that they have nothing to eat, and yet you say you’re preaching. Preaching for what? Are there no pastors where they are going? May God not punish us according to our sins.
Do you see indications that there is now a sufficient will to tackle corruption, or that corruption is no longer as pervasive as it was?
Corruption is in every nation but Nigeria’s own is number one. I am telling you. And if we are not careful, this nation will go down the drain. Now, people can’t help you to bring something from that corner without asking for remuneration. Look at so many children and youths who have no school to go to, or no money to pay school fees, and there are rich men who parade themselves up and down the place as rich people. For what? They seem to have forgotten that this life is not the end. Nobody chose his parents, and nobody came into the world with a gold or silver spoon.
So even if you have a gold or silver spoon, you are going to go empty handed. A wise man lives life in a simple way. That is how I am. Even Fela told them the truth, even though they said he was mad and called him all sorts of names. Naked you came into this world, and naked you will go back. These are people that are supposed to rule and govern this nation. What is happening? Money is exchanging hands.
Now, they are asking the nation and the national assembly to approve so and so huge sum of money for them to borrow. They think people are stupid. Whatever you do as the Head of State without the permission of the people, you will pay for it. Those who were ministers and Heads of State before, some of them are in Abuja today begging for job, because if you get ill-gotten wealth, you will spend it anyhow. It is an ill wind that blows no one any good.
With the next election just a few months away, what would you say of the president’s ambition to seek re-election?
You can deduce that from what I have said before. You can even see from all that is going on, that some people have been saying that he even signed for one term. You see, if I were in his [Jonathan's] shoes, I would hide my head. I am not a prophet, just like I told him that day, but that is what my mind is telling me. And nobody knows what is going to happen. Even, nobody knows who is going to be alive to see 2015. So, one has to be very careful.
Talking about election, what kind of election are we even going to have in Nigeria? Is it going to be free and fair and just? Tell me what election we have had in Nigeria that is free and fair? Is it not mouth that they use in saying it is free and fair?
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
T.B. Joshua’s alleged bribe: The truth - written by journalist Simon Ateba
Simon Ateba is a reporter with PM News. In his piece, Ateba said as long as Nigerian journalists are not paid well, they will continue to accept 'bribe'. Read his thought provoking piece below...
People have been asking me, “Simon , were you at that press conference on 14 September where Prophet T.B. Joshua allegedly gave N50,000 to journalists to write a positive story on the building collapse that killed many people?”, my answer is always the same.
I was not at that event, I do not know if he gave a bribe, I do not know if it was N50,000, and cannot comment on it. But I do not feel better or more righteous in any way than those who might have collected anything, if money was given.
truth is this, as long as journalists in Nigeria are not paid for
months or are given irregular crummy salaries, as long as they are not
insured, as long as publishers pocket all the corrupt money they get in
the forms of adverts or special reports from corrupt politicians, and as
long as Nigerians refuse to spend their money on newspapers, which push
publishers to solicit money from politicians who have pocketed
everything, many journalists will continue to accept gifts, bribes or
whatever you call it.
understand that foreign journalists at the event and a Nigerian
journalist allegedly rejected the money. I am happy they allegedly did
and that’s where the profession should be. That’s the ideal we all want.
But that’s not where we are.
journalists in Nigeria have no insurance. Many newspapers in Nigeria
have not paid their reporters for months, some even a year, including
those newspapers that are even getting those corrupt advert money from
government officials.
CNN, Reuters, Associated Press or BBC journalist will surely die if he
was not paid for one year, had no insurance, no house to live in, and no
friend to support him.
many former journalists who are now successful and even the society at
large, are very wicked. They see a journalist who is striving to stand
out, who wants to be objective and unbiased, they watch him as life
challenges crush him to death. No car, no house, no savings, nothing to
show for 20 years of work. And when such a journalist accepts a gift,
the same society says, look at him, he’s corrupt. He’s biased. He’s
the same society screaming does not buy newspapers, they prefer to
spend all their money on drinks, cigarettes, clothes, bags and cars but
demand and expect higher standards from the media. So I am sorry to say
it won’t happen.
The society is hypocritical and the media industry is sick. But until there’s a shift, nothing will change.
can say these are just excuses. You may even add that the media should
be our conscience, and only truth is acceptable. You will be passing a
superficial judgement, because you cannot just should look at corruption
in the media without understanding why the rot is so deep and the
change so hard.
must understand that it is the product of a failed society. A corrupt
government, a corrupt judiciary, a corrupt police force, a corrupt army,
a corrupt civil society, a corrupt banking and financial system, a
corrupt educational system, a corrupt political system, in summary, it
is the product of a failed country that does nothing when journalists
are not paid for months or are left to wallow in poverty after serving
their nations for 20 years.
used to know a journalist who passed on after working for his company
for many years in Lagos, and his wife was given only one month salary
to take care of herself and their kids. I guess, this, certainly, is not
the future we all envisaged after graduating with a First Class at the
My rambling is getting too long. Let me summarise.
journalist who leaked the alleged bribery to the public claimed that he
did so because journalists were too soft on Prophet T.B. Joshua and
were not reporting the truth.
Hear him: “I
observed that Nigerian media were being too gentle on TB Joshua despite
the glaring irregularities surrounding the collapse. I read more
reports about the “hovering craft” and how Boko Haram could have
sabotaged the building.
little was reported about the structural defects of the building. Not
much was written about the fact that the building originally had 2
floors and was being illegally refurbished with 4 additional floors when
it collapsed. We didn’t come hard on the Synagogue Church goons who
attacked first responders. We didn’t highlight the fact that many of
those that perished could have been saved if NEMA officials weren’t
barred from the site for almost three days! We didn’t make an issue of
the fact that our colleagues who had gone to report the collapsed
building were molested on Saturday.”
course, you all know that these are lies. What he’s saying is not
factual. Or maybe he did not read reporting of the building collapse
15 September, the day after the alleged bribe was given to journalists,
P.M.NEWS published this
editorial: http://www.pmnewsnigeria.com/2014/09/15/the-synagogue-tragedy/
. You can read it yourself and let me know if it looked like they were
being soft on T.B. Joshua or hiding the facts.
The 20-year old newspaper said in that editorial: “Perhaps
most of the dead victims would have been rescued alive if the church
staff and people perceived as thugs did not prevent officials of the
National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, from carrying out rescue
operations immediately the building crumbled.
State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, had to intervene by visitting the
scene of the disaster and ordering the church staff to leave the site
before rescue work could start in earnest.”
newspaper concluded it editorial by saying: “We must go beyond
speculation to serious investigation to unravel the facts and prevent
future tragedies of this magnitude. Those who are found wanting should
be made to face the full wrath of the law.”
Does that look like a newspaper trying to protect T.B. Joshua or that did not care about the dead?
Of course not.
But that was not all. the same day, the cover story of P.M.NEWS in Lagos read: “Boko Haram Attack: Nigerians Blast T.B. Joshua”.
The lead or the first paragraph of that story read: “Nigerians
have blasted Prophet T.B. Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations
for claiming that Boko Islamist sect might have brought down a
six-storey building in his church that has killed more than 40 people.”
front page story was published on 15 September. Does it look like
people who were buying the story of a jet hovering over the building
before it came down?
examples were just from P.M.NEWS. It was the same thing for The Punch,
The Nation, Vanguard, The Sun, ThisDay, Tribune, The New Telegraph,
TheNews Magazine, and even TVC and Channels TV, as well as other
television and radio stations.
it is not factual to say that Nigerian journalists were being soft on
T.B. Joshua or were hiding the facts. It is simply a lie.
Nigerian journalists collected the money, they did so because of a sick
industry, a failed state and the reasons I mentioned above. But the
money certainly did not change the facts. And we all knew the facts even
before the audio was leaked last week.
thing I can say is that until investigation is conducted and concluded,
no one can claim to know exactly what led to the building collapse. It
will just be ranting, and rambling that lead to semantic noise but
nothing evidential or concrete.
I can say more, and go on and on, but for now, it’s time to mourn the dead. May their souls rest in peace.
Posted by Seyi Law
at 06:04 PM

Check Out Peter Okoye and His Cute Son Cameron Okoye
Emir of Kano Sanusi Lamido Prostrates to Greet Alaafin Oyo
The highly respected Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, is back from his special vacation abroad and has since returned to his traditional duties. He received the Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi in his place recently and the popular Emir Sanusi, as a sign of humility, bow down to greet Alaafin. The Emir went to the Yoruba royal palace as a simple man. Check out all the photos:
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
After 23 years of marriage, reality star and mum of the Kardashian
girls, Kris Jenner has filed for divorce from Bruce Jenner. The couple
officially separated in Oct. 2013. See the TMZ report below..
TMZ has learned it's already a done deal. Kris filed pro per -- meaning no lawyer. Our sources say this was all orchestrated. Bruce Jenner's response is about to be filed at the L.A. County Courthouse. She cites the standard "irreconcilable differences" as grounds for the divorce. Everything has been worked out with their business managers ... our sources say. There was no prenup and they have already agreed to a property split. Neither party will get spousal support. As for Kylie - who is 17 - they have joint custody. Bruce, Kris and their managers worked out the deal over the last few months. They separated June 1, 2013. That's significant because once they're separated they don't continue to share earnings - in other words, what's hers stays hers after separation. We're told the divorce is "totally amicable."
Tyler Perry reportedly expecting his first child
I see he couldn't wait for me to give him the baby...oh well! *sigh*
:-). According to reports, the movie/TV/media mogul and Studio Head announced
to his guests at his star studded 45th birthday party last weekend
that he's expecting his first child. Though he didn't share who the
baby's mother is, people are speculating that it could be his 28 year
old Ethiopian on-again/off-again model/activist girlfriend, Gelila
Bekele. (I doubt she's the one though). Continue to see some pics from the party
Jennifer Holliday, Desiree Coleman Jackson, Tevin Campbell, Ledisi, Monica, Jazmine Sullivan, Tamia, Mary Mary, LeAnn Rimes, Yolanda Adams, Rachelle Ferrell and Stevie Wonder all performed at the party which held in his Atlanta mansion...
Jennifer Holliday, Desiree Coleman Jackson, Tevin Campbell, Ledisi, Monica, Jazmine Sullivan, Tamia, Mary Mary, LeAnn Rimes, Yolanda Adams, Rachelle Ferrell and Stevie Wonder all performed at the party which held in his Atlanta mansion...
Man allegedly rapes 20yr old girl and uploads her nude pics online
The Lagos state Police command has arrested 30 year old Olaniyan
Oluwakayode (pictured above) after he allegedly raped a 20 year old girl
at his apartment in the Ifako Ijaiye area of Lagos on Tuesday September
16th and then allegedly posted nude pics of the girl online.
According to Vanguard, Olaniyan, a native of Osun state, claimed the rape victim who hails from Akwa Ibom state was his girlfriend but the girl denied this, claiming that he was a random guy who had asked her out but she refused.
According to Vanguard, Olaniyan, a native of Osun state, claimed the rape victim who hails from Akwa Ibom state was his girlfriend but the girl denied this, claiming that he was a random guy who had asked her out but she refused.
"I have my own boyfriend. He is a guy that used to stop me any time I was going to work. He approached me for friendship and I refused. I did not go to his house as he alleged. On my way back from work Tuesday last week, I saw someone running out of his house. He held my hand saying he wanted to do what was on his mind. I asked him why he would do what was on his mind when I had not even accepted his advances. He insisted and dragged me inside the bush. When I wanted to shout, he brought out a knife and said he would kill me there. From the bush, he dragged me to his house and locked the door. He used his legs to hold my neck, tore my skirt, my pants and bra, beat me up, and then raped me. When Oluwakayode’s sister came back around to 9pm, she asked her brother to open the door, asking him if he wanted to kill me. He has been asking me out for a long time. I was never his girlfriend. I have my own boyfriend. He raped me; painfully. Even his sister was crying and he snapped me immediately and his sister even threatened to call his mother.” the victim saidOlaniyan was arrested by officers of the Ifako Ijaiye Police station and transferred to the Ministry of Women Affairs. In his defence, Olaniyan claimed the girl was his girlfriend and that they only fought but he never raped her
"I only fought with my girlfriend (the victim), but they are accusing me of raping her. I never deny the fact that I snapped her picture when she was naked. We were fighting. Any other allegation levelled against me is a big lie. The only thing I did, which I do not deny, is that I took her nude photographs. She had been hurting me for a very long period and we had an issue which made me delete her number from my phone. Last week, I got a missed call. I called the number immediately. When I heard her voice, I asked her what she wanted. I met her passing by in June and when I asked for her phone number, she gave it to me. She even came to my house and we sat outside and talked. She agreed to date me. There was a day we spoke on phone and she was asking me if I had an apartment. I told her that I didn’t want to rush into anything that I wanted to settle down in my business. I do branding in my house at Ifako. They said I raped her; one thing is that I have conscience and she also has conscience: our conscience will judge. I never denied beating her. I did beat her with my head on her face and on her back when she held my manhood. All the allegations of bringing out powder, a knife and belt are lies. I have conscience and she has too. That’s all.” he said
Photos: Women protest half naked against Kaduna state governor
Women in Fadan Karshi in Sanga local government in Kaduna yesterday
protested half naked when the governor of the state, Mukhtar Yero, came
to pay them a condolence visit. Their grievance? Well, according to the
indigene of the state who sent the pics to Sahara Reporters, over a
thousand people have been killed in the area and neighboring towns and
villages by terrorists since March this year, and the governor never
came to see them until yesterday when he showed up with hundreds of
security personnel following last week's attack that left over 40 people
The angry women, who felt they'd been abandoned, lay on the ground crying as the governor and his team came through their town. See more photos after the cut..
The angry women, who felt they'd been abandoned, lay on the ground crying as the governor and his team came through their town. See more photos after the cut..
Give Us Money, And We Shall Bring Back The Girls
I have written before about the abduction of the Chibok girls. However, I felt compelled to comment again on this issue despite the fact that the level of importance given to it has since diminished, overtaken as it were, by the perhaps more urgent issue of the Ebola virus outbreak and more recently, by the USD9.3million Oritsejafor arms deal. Suddenly, the voices of the abducted girls have become a distant echo and the government can finally heave a sigh of relief as attention has moved to other issues.
I saw this coming a long time ago as all the government was doing was to 'mark time' and hope for other issues to consign the abduction to the dustbins of our usual 'political distractions'. That is the way of life here. Our government does not solve problems, it only whiles away time until something else comes up, takes over the news and diverts attention. It is a standard practice that has worked for several administrations. For the Goodluck Jonathan administration, it is the only practice.
But there has been an exception; the Ebola Virus Disease issue. The type of attention given to it shows that when the problem can easily affect the high and mighty, we suddenly spring into the type of action that amazes even ourselves. So menacing is EVD that nobody ever heard about it being a political ploy. No. The APC and PDP difference was suddenly forgotten. The high and mighty cannot bear to be denied the little pleasures of having girls brought in from all over the world to satisfy their sexual needs as the girls could be potential risks. But when it involves only the poor and lowly, copious amount of time is spent ‘deliberating’ on it, several committees are formed, in fact, generally, time is wasted until another issue comes up to obscure the one that was at hand.
There is another thing that also motivates our government and its security agencies to produce results: Money. I believe that money is really the biggest motivation to action in this country. It is not a secret that in this country, people seek for elective offices to fill their pockets. In fact, saying ‘to fill their pockets’ is a gross understatement of facts. They run for office to load their barns and that of their children’s children with more than enough. That being the case then, one can authoritatively say that if one wants results from our leaders, there has to be something in it for them. So the question is, how does the rescue of the girls enrich our leaders? Obviously, it does not in any way. At least not yet.
Then I started thinking about something. What if the abduction of the girls affected the high and mighty? Or probably there was an offer of a huge cash prize for their safe return? Well, we have to accept that the abduction does not affect our leaders in any way seeing as in the face of it, they are still campaigning for re-election. Neither can it be said that any of their relative was abducted with the other girls. It is best then that we consider the money option. I mean seriously, money motivates us a lot in this country. Even our government works faster if the people in power are certain of making some money from carrying out any action or implementing any policy. So if you want action, just flash the money.
I saw recently, one of those internet memes where it was depicted that President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria was carrying a placard bearing #BringBackOurGirls. Funny as that was, it got me really thinking; who are the placards addressed to? Certainly not the Nigerian government, I would say. Because the Nigerian government is not in any way interested in bringing back the girls(the only thing/person they are interested in bringing back is Goodluck Jonathan). The placards (and the movement) seem to be addressed to some big brother bodies whose duty it is to really help us bring back the girls. So naturally, those big brother agencies should have donor bodies aligned to them who should have made available funds for the #BringBackOurGirls campaign. So then, here is the easiest way to bring back the girls:
Donor agencies should have made available a certain amount of money(say for instance USD200million)as prize money to ensure that the girls are brought back. If this was done, Nigerian security agencies would have roared into full action and within a week, the girls would have been back. It is really that simple. Offer them money, and the government will do everything possible to produce results. This may sound so fantastic, but one begins to understand how realistic this is, when one asks the simple question; 'why do Nigerian politicians seek power'? Truthfully, 90% of them do so, in order to enrich themselves. So for them to work hard on any issue, there has to be something in it for them.
So quite simply, if we really need the girls back, some foreign agency or government(since they are the only ones who would genuinely and selflessly want the girls back) would have to make sure that there is something in it for our government. If that is done, the girls will be back in a week. I understand that possibly, some people still feel that the girls were not really abducted. Well, if that is the case, still offer the money and if the girls were really not abducted, our security agencies will manufacture those girls and provide them within a week. Really, it is that simple!
What is happening in this country is sickening. Many people never believed that after over 150days, the Chibok girls would still be in captivity. But that is the reality today and in my anguish, I have wondered how best to get this senile government to spring into action. This essay is just my way of saying that we should perhaps look for a way to pay them to do their jobs.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party Board of Trustees, Chief
(Dr) Tony Anenih, has been called a political tactician-in-chief. He has
been called the Oracle of Uromi. He also has been called Nigeria's
political Nostradamus. What is self-evident is that, in the firmament of
the country's politics for more than three decades now, Anenih is a man
of exceptional importance and reputation. More to the point of this
article, the recent adoption of President Goodluck Jonathan as the PDP
candidate for the February 14, 2015 presidential election by the party's
National Executive Committee proves once again that Anenih possesses
unmatched capacity for political prognosis and strategy.
Anenih it was who, in early 2013, first suggested that the party should grant Jonathan automatic ticket to seek re-election in 2015. At a PDP family dinner held in Abuja on the night of Thursday, May 30, 2013, he reiterated the idea and the suggestion garnered national attention. During the event, the BoT Chairman explained how experience had shown that squabbling for tickets at primaries invariably led to internal crises in the party before the main elections. Consequently, he advocated the automatic ticket option in order to avoid unnecessary and prolonged crises within the party.
At the time, a number of party members supported Anenih's proposal. However, there were also a few who did not agree with the BoT Chairman's idea. Fast-forward two years and four months to September 2015 and Anenih's suggestion took on a life of its own. First, PDP members of the House of Representatives endorsed Jonathan to fly the party's flag in 2015. Second, the PDP governors followed suit. The party's BoT also toed the same line and then the National Executive Committee crowned it all, thereby indicating that the entire party had seen and accepted the wisdom in Anenih's proposal.
To further buttress his unrivalled grasp of the intricacies of the nation's politics, while others were dilly-dallying and unable to take a stand on whether Jonathan will run for re-election in 2015, Anenih was also the first to take a categorical stand. Speaking at a gathering of party members during a tour of the South-South zone by the PDP chairman, Alhaji Adamu Mu'azu, Anenih said, 'I want the national chairman to go home with a word from the father that come 2015, Jonathan will run for presidency for the second term.'
Clearly, Anenih's confidence in Jonathan's intention to run goes beyond what may be regarded as a political filial relationship, being that he referred to himself as Jonathan's political father. It is anchored in the reality that, as the sitting BoT Chairman and a founding member of the PDP, he is very conversant with the inner workings, challenges, and the many successes of the party.
It is worth recalling here that, to mark the 2015 Democracy Day, Anenih issued a statement in which he not only laid out some of Jonathan's achievements; he also listed the major accomplishments of the PDP since the country's return to democratic rule in 1999.
In that statement, Anenih was quoted as saying: 'Let me express how grateful we, in the Peoples Democratic Party, are to our fellow compatriots that they have entrusted our great party with steering the ship of state since our nation's return to democracy in 1999. It has been a great privilege and a momentous undertaking. And though—as with all human endeavours—we have had differences with our fellow citizens on the other side of the political divide, our on-going democratic journey is proof that the PDP continues to faithfully discharge its foremost duty to our country, which is sustaining a stable, functional State.'
Anenih also said: 'Indeed, in its 15 years at the helm of affairs of our great nation, the PDP has created an atmosphere that allows total freedom of expression, dissent and the greatest level of inclusive political participation ever recorded in our country. A case in point is that never before has Nigeria seen the high number of women in senior elective and appointive positions as obtains today under the PDP's leadership.'
Additionally, Anenih further remarked: 'Moreover, it is to the credit of the President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan-led PDP government that this ambience of democratic freedom has encouraged the most combative opposition rhetoric ever experienced in Nigeria's history. President Jonathan has also demonstrated respect for the rule of law by his non-interference in judicial, legislative and electoral matters.'
In view of the fact that as Chairman of PDP's BoT, Anenih has firsthand knowledge of these achievements and many others; he can say with full conviction that Jonathan will seek re-election in 2015. And just as it has been proved that he had incomparable political foresight when way back in 2013 he began canvassing for Jonathan to be granted automatic ticket in 2015, it is safe to say that in the coming months, his certainty in Jonathan's re-election bid and ultimate success will be proved right.
Written By Oluwaseyi Gabriel.
Anenih it was who, in early 2013, first suggested that the party should grant Jonathan automatic ticket to seek re-election in 2015. At a PDP family dinner held in Abuja on the night of Thursday, May 30, 2013, he reiterated the idea and the suggestion garnered national attention. During the event, the BoT Chairman explained how experience had shown that squabbling for tickets at primaries invariably led to internal crises in the party before the main elections. Consequently, he advocated the automatic ticket option in order to avoid unnecessary and prolonged crises within the party.
At the time, a number of party members supported Anenih's proposal. However, there were also a few who did not agree with the BoT Chairman's idea. Fast-forward two years and four months to September 2015 and Anenih's suggestion took on a life of its own. First, PDP members of the House of Representatives endorsed Jonathan to fly the party's flag in 2015. Second, the PDP governors followed suit. The party's BoT also toed the same line and then the National Executive Committee crowned it all, thereby indicating that the entire party had seen and accepted the wisdom in Anenih's proposal.
To further buttress his unrivalled grasp of the intricacies of the nation's politics, while others were dilly-dallying and unable to take a stand on whether Jonathan will run for re-election in 2015, Anenih was also the first to take a categorical stand. Speaking at a gathering of party members during a tour of the South-South zone by the PDP chairman, Alhaji Adamu Mu'azu, Anenih said, 'I want the national chairman to go home with a word from the father that come 2015, Jonathan will run for presidency for the second term.'
Clearly, Anenih's confidence in Jonathan's intention to run goes beyond what may be regarded as a political filial relationship, being that he referred to himself as Jonathan's political father. It is anchored in the reality that, as the sitting BoT Chairman and a founding member of the PDP, he is very conversant with the inner workings, challenges, and the many successes of the party.
It is worth recalling here that, to mark the 2015 Democracy Day, Anenih issued a statement in which he not only laid out some of Jonathan's achievements; he also listed the major accomplishments of the PDP since the country's return to democratic rule in 1999.
In that statement, Anenih was quoted as saying: 'Let me express how grateful we, in the Peoples Democratic Party, are to our fellow compatriots that they have entrusted our great party with steering the ship of state since our nation's return to democracy in 1999. It has been a great privilege and a momentous undertaking. And though—as with all human endeavours—we have had differences with our fellow citizens on the other side of the political divide, our on-going democratic journey is proof that the PDP continues to faithfully discharge its foremost duty to our country, which is sustaining a stable, functional State.'
Anenih also said: 'Indeed, in its 15 years at the helm of affairs of our great nation, the PDP has created an atmosphere that allows total freedom of expression, dissent and the greatest level of inclusive political participation ever recorded in our country. A case in point is that never before has Nigeria seen the high number of women in senior elective and appointive positions as obtains today under the PDP's leadership.'
Additionally, Anenih further remarked: 'Moreover, it is to the credit of the President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan-led PDP government that this ambience of democratic freedom has encouraged the most combative opposition rhetoric ever experienced in Nigeria's history. President Jonathan has also demonstrated respect for the rule of law by his non-interference in judicial, legislative and electoral matters.'
In view of the fact that as Chairman of PDP's BoT, Anenih has firsthand knowledge of these achievements and many others; he can say with full conviction that Jonathan will seek re-election in 2015. And just as it has been proved that he had incomparable political foresight when way back in 2013 he began canvassing for Jonathan to be granted automatic ticket in 2015, it is safe to say that in the coming months, his certainty in Jonathan's re-election bid and ultimate success will be proved right.
Written By Oluwaseyi Gabriel.
Army Says Boko Haram Begin Surrender
Abuja – The Defence Headquarters has disclosed that some Boko Haram
terrorists have begun to surrender with their weapons voluntarily
following relentless onslaught by troops.
This is contained in a statement posted on the DHQ website on Sunday.
“Some of them submitted themselves and their weapons to the leadership of
the troops in Konduga during a further campaign at the weekend.
“As the heat on the terrorists continues, five terrorists surrendered on
Saturday (Sept. 20) with all their weapons to troops at Konduga pleading
for mercy.''
According to the statement, other captured terrorists who refused to
surrender have also been giving useful information on the subsequent plans
of the group in an apparent effort to cooperate.
The DHQ recalled that in the last few days there had been several attempts
by desperate terrorists to gain entry into Konduga which were foiled by
the troops.
The terrorists' move, according to the statement, is aimed at recovering
the bodies of their prominent fighters who died in previous encounters in
the area.
The DHQ also said that its troops had recovered more weapons during mop-up
operations while some of their terrorists' vehicles had been destroyed.
The great escape.
The post Army Says Boko Haram Begin Surrender appeared first on Pointblank News .
terrorists have begun to surrender with their weapons voluntarily
following relentless onslaught by troops.
This is contained in a statement posted on the DHQ website on Sunday.
“Some of them submitted themselves and their weapons to the leadership of
the troops in Konduga during a further campaign at the weekend.
“As the heat on the terrorists continues, five terrorists surrendered on
Saturday (Sept. 20) with all their weapons to troops at Konduga pleading
for mercy.''
According to the statement, other captured terrorists who refused to
surrender have also been giving useful information on the subsequent plans
of the group in an apparent effort to cooperate.
The DHQ recalled that in the last few days there had been several attempts
by desperate terrorists to gain entry into Konduga which were foiled by
the troops.
The terrorists' move, according to the statement, is aimed at recovering
the bodies of their prominent fighters who died in previous encounters in
the area.
The DHQ also said that its troops had recovered more weapons during mop-up
operations while some of their terrorists' vehicles had been destroyed.
The great escape.
The post Army Says Boko Haram Begin Surrender appeared first on Pointblank News .
Boko Haram Fighters Surrender To Troops
BEVERLY HILLS, September 21, (THEWILL) - At least five Boko Haram fighters Saturday surrendered to federal troops with all their weapons in Konduga, Borno State, pleading for mercy, according to Nigeria's Defence Headquarters.
Their surrender is coming barely 24 hours after news emerged that the leader of the terrorist organization, Abubakar Shekau was one of those killed by troops during a battle in Konduga a few days ago.
'As the heat on terrorists continues, 5 terrorists yesterday surrendered with all their weapons to troops @#Konduga pleading for mercy
'Other captured terrorists have also been giving useful information on the subsequent plans of the group in an apparent offer to cooperate,' the DHQ said in a tweet Sunday.
Federal troops recorded successes earlier in the week when they repelled a Boko Haram push for Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State, killing several terrorists and captured a tank, trucks, long range weapons as well as guns and rocket propelled grenade launchers.
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